
Weekend Diary

Hello everyone! How is your weekend going? Mine can be summarized in one word: beach.
Making use of a (dirty) window at our house to show you my outfit throughout the weekend:

Olá a todos! Como tem sido o vosso fim-de-semana? O meu pode ser resumido numa palavra: praia.
Usando uma janela (suja) da nossa casa para vos mostrar a minha roupa ao longo do fim-de-semana:

Yesterday we had to cut our palm tree... It died because it was attacked by the red pal weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), a species of beetle originated from tropical regions. It arrived in Portugal in 2007 and has been responsible for the death of several species of palm trees mostly in the Algarve... Here's the little bug - we caught it coming out of the tree after we cut it...

Ontem tivemos que cortar a nossa palmeira... Morreu porque foi atacada pelo escaravelho da palmeira (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), uma espécie de escaravelho originária de zonas tropicais. Chegou a Portugal em 2007 e tem sido responsável pela morte de várias espécies de palmeiras sobretudo no Algarve... Aqui está o nosso bicho - apanhámo-lo a sair da palmeira depois de a termos cortado...

In the meantime, my kids won't get out of the water...
Entretanto, os meus filhos não saem da água...

And now I can say for sure that my favourite jazz album is the soundtrack of "L'Ascenseur pour l'Echafaud", by Miles Davis. It's quite an unknown album (my cousin, a jazz musician, had never heard of this album before), recorded in Paris in 1957 and described by jazz critic Phil Johnson as "the loneliest trumpet sound you will ever hear, and the model for sad-core music ever since. Hear it and weep".
According to Wikipedia, "Davis only gave the musicians a few rudimentary harmonic sequences he had assembled in his hotel room, and, once the plot was explained, the band improvised without any precomposed theme, while edited loops of the musically relevant film sequences were projected in the background."

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